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international Student in Canada Studies Canada

Namaskar G sorry honest ostracod hello everyone my name is Poonam and let me introduce myself first I live in Canada came to Canada three years before as an international student and today I'm going to make this video to have a few people because I get so many calls frommy friends and greatest time people um you are all already in Canada you cameas a student so please help our kid he wants to come to Canada the student orshould here high PR or which college or what's the life in Canada and so manyquestions so I thought let's make a video to help everyone so in this videoI would like to share my story a little bit of my story not the whole one Ireally did want to get your board so let me tell you how I ended up to come to Canada

Canada student visa success ratio of 2020

I came to Canada in September 2016 as an international student so Icame here for master's program my program was MBA Master in Business Administration and that course was for 16 months so that was our kind of like aspeed up program it has to be for two years but it was for 16 months I willshare why it was for 16 months later on but then yes I came here and I washaving a student visa for two years so uh yeah there was one more condition inmy course that I have to complete I'm done ship for a semester in my programand yes semester over here is four four four monthsso yes I have to complete an internship to complete my program of two yearsMaster of Business Administration so but I was not having the visa for myinternship from India so I came here as an international students for my twoyears program I finished it and I applied for my internship program duringmy student life so internship program is kind of your practicalwhich which you need to gain before starting your actual life in the riverwas after your studies got completed so I applied that and I got my co-op workpermit.

we call it co-op or permit in Canada with co-op work permit you areeligible to work full-time and you can also get paid for that but yeah thereare few many things attached with that which I will discuss later because it'snot like that that in your internship right away you start earning money andit's like money's raining on you it's really not like that so the the real astruggle is to get into the internship and in the field where you really wantto start your internship so I finished my MBA in finance and I wanted to havean internship in finance I did so much of research I will let you know how Igot that internship but yes luckily I got my internship lokhnath soI got my internship in finance but after that the real struggle got started thehunt of finding a job and furniture okay I want to mention one thing overhere in Canada no one helps you there is a very famous group up in Canada helpyourself that's what exactly I did I found my jobfor myself like back home in India in happens that companies come to yourcampus they hire the students they hire in bulk recruitment

I guess we call backrecruitment over there but nothing happens over here you really need tofind a job by yourself again there's a glitch when you find a job that has tobe skilled job to file your permanent residency permit I got my three yearswork permit and I got I find I found a job and yes I was able to find a job inin finance and working in one of the big five banks of Canada and working thereand yes that's a skilled job what is a skilled job I was discussed in a latervideo you can let me know if you want to know more about the skilled job actuallythat's that's a lots of information so I got my work I got my job and afterfinishing one year I was eligible to file my permanent residency then againthere are so many things which you need to include in your permanent applicationwe'll discuss it later too but right now I would like to discuss one thing butafter filing PR it's again not easy and the stage to file your PR 

there are somany things no one helps over here like your college not your employernothing neighbor you forget known if I talk to you here till the time theyreally need to talk to you so it was a struggle I did my research I did lots ofresearch was a visa person I was a businessso I was having a pretty much knowledge of that area I did my research I filedmy PR but after filing PR also it's not easy CIC asked me lots of documentsafter that after getting my ETA it was like it was not just like you file yourPia and you got approval no there are a number of documents with CIC ask me andyes again one more thing nothing is free in Canada so from the point I filed myPR until the time I got approval I got so many requests letters and everyrequest letter was associated with the kind of fees are

it's not direct feesthen it was related to feed so it's not free but yes it tooks always from six toeight months and then I got approval for my fear thanks to God I'm a permanentresident now and I wanted to start this with you a long time back but I waswaiting for my permanent resident so I can share the whole story and the wholestruggle with you guys and I speak in English in Hindi and in Punjabi Ipromise and I'm saying give me baat kar sakthe agar aapko Coco Chanel speciallyown parents kazakiewich yoga business out there when tutti-frutti punjabibehind their Jager to sequoia Punjabi noggin much on their Mac ooshka Rangiget to any questions the answer my Punjab in Alda that's all about pleasefeel free to share any question thank you so much 


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