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The Beauty of Sombori Island in Sulawesi

The Beauty of Sombori Island in Sulawesi

Sombori Island is one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia, located in Morowali, Central Sulawesi. This island is one of the mainstay objects and top destinations in Morowali. Sombori Island is almost similar to one of the Raja Ampat islands in Papua, Indonesia, therefore Sombori Island is called a miniature of Raja Ampat Island in Sulawesi.

Sombori Island is like heaven because this island is very beautiful, if you go to Sombori Island then you will be presented with a very stunning view. The water on Sombori Island is Tosca green and very clear so that if you are boating on Sombori Island, you will look like you are floating. In Sombori Island you can diving, fishing, swim, and snorkel.

The Beauty of Sombori Island

There are several interesting tourist spots that you can visit on Sombori Island, here are some of these places:

1. Khayangan Island in Sombori

Khayangan Island in Sombori

Tourists who have come to Khayangan Island will definitely be amazed and will certainly enjoy to stay for a long time and even want to come back again because this Khayangan island has an incomparable beauty that cannot be forgotten for a lifetime. The beautiful beach on Kayangan Island is about 20 meters to 50 meters long and is decorated with high rock cliffs. The location of Khayangan Island is also close to other islands in Sombori. The waters around Khayangan Island are shallow waters. So, the location is perfect for snorkeling or just swimming and playing water.

The beauty of this Khayangan Island can be seen when you climb to the top of the hill on Khayangan Island. It is advisable to wear sneakers or mountain shoes while walking through the rocky paths on this island because the rocks are slippery. Also, equip your equipment using gloves because most of the corals here are sharp. To get to the top of the hill you only need about 10 minutes because the track is not too long. From up here, you can see the beautiful scenery in the form of an expanse of islands and corals equipped with beautiful blue seawater and Tosca water.

2. Berlian Cave or Diamond Cave

Diamond Cave

When you go to Sombori, don't forget to explore the Diamond Cave. This cave is called Goa Berlian because the tourist spot of Sombori Island has very shiny stalactites similar to diamonds when exposed to light. However, if you want to get here, you have to climb a cliff with a slope of 70 to 80 degrees first. In the afternoon or morning, you will see a beautiful view when the sun enters the cracks of the holes or what is called the ray of light.

3. Tengkorak Cave or Skull Cave

There is one more cave that you must visit when visiting Sombori, namely Skull Cave. This cave has many skulls. No one knows where the skulls came from. This cave is located at an altitude of 40 meters above sea level.

4. Allo Cave or Pool Cave in Khusino Island

Allo Cave

Khusino Island is one of the islands that you must also visit while traveling on the island of Sombori. The condition of Khusino Island is not too crowded. To explore this island you have to go to the Bajo village first. There are two main spots that you can visit on Khusino Island, including Goa Kolam or Pool Cave and Lighthouse. The position of Goa Kolam or Pool Cave is unique because of its location in the middle of the island. To go there you have to climb the stone stairs first. The pool in this cave is 30 meters long and 2 meters deep. After entering the cave you will see an amazing sight, a pool in the cave. You can freely swim in the cave.

5. Rumah Nenek or Grandma's House

Rumah Nenek

This location is often used as a place to rest after tired swimming. The water in Rumah Nenek is Tosca green and the view here is very beautiful. This house is called grandma's house because it used to belong to a grandmother who lived alone, but she died.

6. Koko Island

koko island

On Koko Island, there are two beaches with many coconut trees, so the coconut trees provide extraordinary coolness. Because the water is so clear on Koko Island, you can clearly see the small fish swimming. Koko Island is the best place for snorkeling and diving on Sombori Island.

7. Dua Laut Island

Dua Laut Island is a small island on Sombori Island which is inhabited by approximately 30 fisher families. Dua Laut Island is surrounded by charming white sand. The specialty of this island is that there is a very large and beautiful aquarium point. Dua Laut Island also is the best place for snorkeling and diving on Sombori Island.

How to go to Sombori Island

The Sombori Islands are very close to the Labengki Islands, but they are different provinces. Sombori Island in Morowali, Central Sulawesi and Labengki Island in Konawe Utara, Southeast Sulawesi. So usually tourists come to Sombori and also visit Labengki Island. 

If you are from Jakarta, fly direct to Kendari for 3 hours. From Kendari you have to go by car first to the dock, then go to Labengki Island first by speedboat. Then continue the sea journey to the north, to Sombori Island. The sea trip from Kendari to Labengki is between 1, 5 hours - 4 hours, depending on which pier you are going to and what speedboat or boat you are taking. And from Labengki Island to Sombori Island by speedboat, it only takes 1 hour.


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